For Classroom or Home Schooling
Developed and field-tested in the classroom, RTC is based on The Master Keys for Kids Series: Six semesters of themed materials.
For more information or if you would like to learn how your school can be used as a prototype program: CONTACT US
The Basics ~ Respect ~ Self Respect ~ Kindness ~ Gratitude ~ Compassion
- Almost 50 topics
- Teacher Objectives
- Civility Vocabulary
- Teaching Best Practices
- Mindefulness Skills
Help for encouraging emotional intelligence

No tests ~ No homework ~ No grading ~ No reports
Just open dialog to encourage critical thinking
Use the Topic Guides as actual lessons
to steer the conversation or
to give the teacher enhanced skills
- Guide for Principal
- School Champion
- Individual lessons
- How to share with families
- How to use After School Program
For more information or if you would like to learn how your school can be used as a prototype program: CONTACT US

The teacher is not required to add to their workload.
Instead, the program gives skills and a common vocabulary to get everyone on the same page and address classroom behavior and emotional balance.
The lessons can either be led by a trained facilitator or folded into the teacher’s classroom environment.

For example: Interrupting is a common and aggravating issue. The Master Keys lesson calls that “Bulldozing.” Once identified, the kids begin to recognize what that is, catch themselves and others on that behavior, and now there is a light-hearted boundary the class has on preventing it.
Parents can also use the same term at home so it’s now reinforced and when the same terminology is used from classroom to classroom, the whole school is working together to focus on preventing clueless behavior.

Families and Classrooms
Themed semesters help the overall school and parents to work together on the life skills. The focus on civility also supports the teacher/parent relationship.
Regardless of the motivation of the parenting styles, whether they are competitive or nurturing, both viewpoints can begin to see that their child’s ethics and behavior will open doors for them or see them slammed shut. Master Keys teaches critical thinking.
It’s not enough to put up posters on anti-bullying, or being kind. These ethics must become a part of the school culture. As you begin to get buy-in from the parents, the shared focus and terms reinforce how important these principles are and they begin to become a way of life.

Themed semesters help everyone to focus on specific skills and character qualities.
If a school wants to address anti-bullying, conflict resolution, and other central issues in emotional intelligence, then there needs to be a culture of building empathy and active listening. Master Keys gives you an ongoing structure for addressing this.
From that focus, students can start to build ownership:
- Making class contracts,
- Create their own artwork on kindness, respect, gratitude and compassion
- Recognize local champions.
- There are also fund-raising possibilities when engaged with the after-school program; Up On Your Feet.